"Hey there, gaming aficionados! I'm Sachin, the unstoppable force behind MAS World. As the founder, CEO, and even a hands-on developer, I'm on a mission to redefine the mobile gaming landscape and deliver mind-blowing experiences like no other!

At MAS World, we live and breathe games. We're a team of passionate gamers, visionary creators, and mad geniuses who believe that mobile gaming is a gateway to unlimited excitement and unexplored dimensions. We're here to take you on a rollercoaster ride through immersive worlds that will leave you breathless and begging for more.

As the mastermind behind our wild gaming adventures, I combine my strategic vision with my love for coding to craft games that shatter expectations. From heart-pounding action to brain-teasing puzzles and everything in between, we've got a genre to suit every taste and unleash your inner gaming beast.

But I'm not just some big-shot CEO. I'm in the trenches, coding and crafting alongside our team of talented misfits. I'm fueled by caffeine and sheer determination to create games that will make your thumbs tingle with excitement. Together, we're constantly pushing the boundaries of mobile gaming, experimenting with cutting-edge technologies and mind-bending game mechanics.

At MAS World, we're not just about pixels on a screen. We're all about forging connections, building communities, and creating unforgettable memories. Get ready to connect with fellow gamers, engage in epic battles, and bask in the glory of victory together. Our games are not just a solo journey; they're a gateway to a vibrant and exhilarating social gaming universe.

So, grab your devices, strap in, and prepare for the adrenaline-fueled madness that awaits. Join us as we revolutionize the way you game, leaving a trail of jaw-dropped players in our wake.

Don't just play games—immerse yourself in extraordinary experiences that will transport you to new dimensions.

Get ready for MAS World. Let the games begin!"

Our Story


Read our Inspiration Story.